Welcome to Malaysia. There’s so much more to Malaysia than meets the eye. Join us in exploring the warmth of its people, the beauty of its nature, the wealth of its cultures and the abundance of joy in everything you discover.
Welcome to our home in Kuala Lumpur, and thank you for visiting our area. We are happy to assist with your exciting adventure and hope you are pleased with your stay. We want you to consider this your home during your stay so please help yourself to the amenities of fresh towels, bathroom supplies, washer and dryer, drinks, and snacks.
If you have any issues with the home, please feel free to contact us, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
你好, 欢迎来到马来西亚。這是一個充滿生氣,熱鬧非凡的種族和宗教的大熔爐。這裡 是馬來人、印度人、華人及其他族群的共同家園,大家互敬互愛、和睦相處。 多元文化不僅讓馬來西亞成為美食天堂,還孕育了豐富多彩的節慶文化。這也是 爲何我們如此熱愛慶祝和社交。馬來西亞人性情閒雅、熱情友好。
谢谢你选择我们的民宿,如果有什么问题,请尽管提出来。我们提供舒适的床 具、齐全的厨房设施及洗衣/烘干机,咖啡,快熟面,浴巾,沐浴露,洗发精,吹 风机,电视机,wifi,希望你可以住的安心和愉快。非常感谢你的选择,能给你带 来舒适的感受,是我们的目标,我们会继续努力用心做得更好的!谢谢!
Cozy Suites